Seasonality, interest rates temper sales in the Fraser Valley

After five months of successive increases, real estate sales in the Fraser Valley dropped in response to a combination of continued rising interest rates and the summer sales cycle.

The Fraser Valley Real Estate Board processed 1,368 sales in July on its Multiple Listing Service® (MLS®), a decrease of 29.3 per cent below June, but still 37.8 per cent above July 2022.

July new listings, at 2,855, were also down by 16.6 per cent compared to last month but 19.7 per cent higher than July 2022 levels, and virtually on par with the ten-year average. Active listings continued to climb, increasing by 4.3 per cent over June, bringing the total inventory available for sale in the region to 6,199.

“Summer is typically a slower period for the real estate sector and the higher interest rates are contributing to the market slowdown,” said Narinder Bains, Chair of the Fraser Valley Real Estate Board. “We’re seeing less traffic and fewer multiple offers as buyers and sellers put a pause on decisions and we expect this trend to continue until the fall cycle.”

The market for detached homes softened in July with a sales-to-active listings ratio of 17 per cent while demand for townhomes and apartments remained firm at 45 per cent and 36 per cent respectively. The market is considered balanced when the sales-to-active-listing ratio is between 12 per cent and 20 per cent.

Prices across all categories saw negligible increases compared to last month (see below).

“With rates at their highest levels in over 20 years and inflation still elevated, buyers and sellers are taking time to reevaluate their objectives,” said FVREB CEO Baldev Gill. “As housing options begin to take center stage on the Provincial agenda, consumers will want to consult a professional REALTOR® for a detailed picture of the market in their communities and to stay up to date on upcoming changes that may impact their decisions.”

On average, properties spent two to three weeks on the market before selling, with detached homes spending 22 days on the market, and townhomes and apartments moving slightly more quickly at 16 and 18 days, respectively.

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