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10 Smart Organizing Tools for Getting Kids’ Spaces in Shape

Are your kids’ rooms bursting at the seams? Just as our waistlines feel the strain of a few too many holiday cookies, our homes (and especially the kids’ spaces) are likely to feel a bit overstuffed after the holiday gift season. While it’s important to remember to declutter before you organize, ...

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Bank of Canada Announces Interest Rate Decision

The Bank of Canada left its trend-setting interest rate unchanged at 1.75% on Wednesday as the sharp decline in oil prices temporarily dims its economic outlook for the coming months. Before long, however, the central bank expects the economy to expand with renewed vigour. More rate hikes, it stressed, will ...

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Should You Renovate or Move?

If you need to upsize or you’re simply ready for a change, it’s tempting to consider a major renovation.  After all, renovating means you don’t have to go through the process of selling your property and buying another more suitable home.  You just fix up the one you’ve got! However, ...

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4 Things That Will (And Won’t) Happen In Canada’s Housing Market In 2019

Some homeowners will bust out, but the market as a whole probably won’t. To learn more, read on in the Huffington Post ...

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2018 The Year That Was

Do you ever remember that time as a kid, where the days just seemed to drag on. You would be waiting on some big family event and it would literally take forever to get there. What happened to those days? Days now seem to blur into weeks and weeks into ...

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Rethink and Reorganize for the Long-Term

From time to time, homeowners turn their attention to decor.  But, before you act on a decorating makeover, take the time to consider the long-term.  Examine how each room in your home is used, and determine whether the layout and design are living up to your needs.  You may discover ...

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Are You Mortgage Free?

Are you mortgage free? Have you paid your mortgage in full and are no longer making any mortgage payments? This information is for you! First of all a huge CONGRATULATIONS! It is a significant accomplishment to have paid off your mortgage. Once your mortgage has been paid in full it ...

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Goal Achieving: Getting through “the Dip”

It’s not surprising that no one quits a marathon near the finish line.  If anything, they run faster!  The place where most runners are likely to quit is the middle.  Author Seth Godin calls this phenomenon the dip. So how do you get through the dip when you’re striving for ...

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Statistics Canada Suspends Credit Searches

Statistics Canada is suspending Credit Searches and delaying plans to obtain banking records for 500,000 Canadian households. Click Here to read on… ...

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2019 Paint Color Trends and Forecasts

2019 Paint Color Trends ...

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