Categories for Blog

Balancing the Emotional and Practical Sides of Buying a Home

Imagine this scenario… You’re shopping for a new home.  You drive to visit a recent listing.  As you walk through the front doors, you’re impressed.  Every room looks fantastic.  You see yourself relaxing on the spacious patio, cooking in the modern kitchen, and enjoying evenings with the family in the ...

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Bank of Canada


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How to Spend Less in 2019 without Feeling Deprived

As any financial expert will tell you, spending less is the surest way to boost your disposable income.  With that extra money, you can pay off credit card debt, add to your retirement savings, or earmark funds for a fun vacation. It sounds great.  However, many people associate spending less ...

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Four Things You Should Know About Staging

You’ve probably heard about “home staging”.  As the name implies, it’s all about arranging each room in your home in a way that will make the best impression on buyers.  Here’s what you need to know about staging if you’re thinking of listing your property. Staging can get you a ...

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Real Estate of a Different Sort

Up until recently, I have never paid particular attention as to where my food comes from.  Now before you get too carried away, what I mean to say is that are we producing our food locally or are we importing it?  With increasing pressure on our agricultural lands towards urbanization, ...

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BBQ Maintenance that Will Save Your Life

According to the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA), more than 160 people are injured each year in BBQ mishaps.  That doesn’t sound like a lot considering the thousands of people who flip burgers on their backyard grills each year.  But, you certainly don’t want to be one of those injured! ...

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Home Tip Monday

How to Boost Your Home’s Curb Appeal… Ideally, you would like buyers to wait until they’ve viewed your whole property before they judge it.  However, the reality is, buyers start forming an impression of your home as soon as they see it from the curb.  So, it pays to do ...

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All Business Wednesday

Speculation Tax Introduced… The Provincial government has finally brought in legislation for the introduction of the speculation tax. If the legislation is passed, the new tax will apply to all properties in Metro Vancouver, Capital Regional District Fraser Valley, Kelowna, West Kelowna, Nanaimo and Lantzville. To read about this further ...

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Home Tip Monday

Fire Safety Precautions… It’s incumbent upon homeowners to ensure that fire safety is top-of-mind at all times.  An all-encompassing approach should include steps for preventing, detecting, extinguishing and escaping potential fires.  Prevention entails careful monitoring of any ignition procedure, whether it’s in the kitchen, utility room, workshop or garage, and ...

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All Business Wednesday

Benefits of Home Ownership Reaffirmed in New Study…. Visit here at Canadian Mortgage Trends to learn more. ...

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