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Home Tip Monday

Air Conditioning versus Air Quality The more you rely on air conditioning for your home comfort, the more you should be aware of the role it may play in the quality of the air you breathe. Depending on the condition and effectiveness of your AC unit or system, it could ...

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All Business Wednesday

Beware of Over-Downsizing or Over-Upsizing… Buying a new pair of shoes is relatively easy. Once you find the style you like, all you need to do is try them on and see if they fit. If they do, you go to the cash register and pay. When it comes to ...

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What’s Up Friday

Looking for something to do this Victoria Day Long Weekend? Here are some ideas to get out of the house: 10 Things to Do in Vancouver Activities in Abbotsford Family Fun Vancouver ...

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All Business Wednesday

5 Ways to Make the Selling Process Stress-Free… For some homeowners, the process of listing, showing and selling their home can be stressful. Fortunately, there is plenty you can do to make it much less nerve-racking—and even exciting and enjoyable. Here are some ideas: Make a plan. Decide when you’re ...

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Home Tip Monday

Creating a Garden that Endures… Whether you have an expansive yard or a confined balcony, following a few planting guidelines will ensure you get maximum enjoyment from your garden. The first thing you need to consider is the foliage that is best suited to your location. Take sunlight, soil and ...

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All Business Wednesday

Family Dynamics Can Affect Property Ownership… As today’s families grow while the generation before them ages, they may be facing home ownership trends that were not predictable only a few decades ago.  Perhaps the most obvious is seniors continuing to function independently in their own homes in the later stages ...

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All Business Wednesday

Tips for Vacation Home Renters… If you’re planning to look for a rental vacation home, you can’t start too soon.  As the summer season draws nearer, you could end up paying more for less.  Before starting your search, identify your budget, preferred regions, vacation dates and required sleeping arrangements.  List ...

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Home Tip Monday

Creating a Practical Home Office  Is your home office the dining room table? Is it anywhere you can sit down undisturbed with your laptop? If so, you might be interested in converting a room or nook into a dedicated home office. Depending on what you do for a living, there ...

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All Business Wednesday

Buying Your Dream Home in a Hot Market… Imagine finding the perfect home, only to discover there is serious interest from at least a dozen other buyers.  It’s like scrambling for the last piece of cake at a buffet! Fortunately, there are things you can do to help get the ...

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All Business Wednesday

What’s the Difference Between a Deposit and Down Payment… Visit here to find out the answer ...

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