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Home Tip Monday

How to Repair a Large Drywall Hole… Repairing a large hole in your wall is surprisingly easy when you follow a few simple steps: Use a utility knife or coping saw to square the edges of the drywall hole. Cut a patch from a new piece of drywall, making sure ...

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All Business Wednesday

What Do You Know about Your Condo Board? It has been said that your condo board is like another level of government. So, it makes sense that as an owner you should think of your board members as politicians. You should be aware of who is representing you, and what ...

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What’s Up Friday

TOUGH MUDDER… Anyone that is looking to have a little bit of crazy fun should keep in mind that the Mudder is coming up on Father’s Day Weekend. Having run it twice before, we have signed up again to conquer the course. For those of you that may be a ...

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All Business Wednesday

What You Need to Know about “Interest Free” Deals… Next to your home and car, home furnishings represent the most expensive product purchases homeowners make.  A mid-quality livingroom set, with sofa and two side chairs, can cost thousands of dollars. That’s why most furniture retailers offer “interest free” and “pay ...

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Home Tip Monday

Consider Upgrading Your Garage Floor… Springtime is a popular time to clean up your garage.  But, why stop at simply removing clutter?  A new or refurbished garage floor could be the beginning of a makeover that gives you a great deal more useful space. Options can include a range of ...

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All Business Wednesday

Real Estate Trends Worth Watching As with any investment, it’s a good idea to always be mindful of the value of your property.  Essentially, that means keeping an eye on market trends.  Using available statistics, we can help identify desirable home features and trends.  Staying in touch with those trends ...

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All Business Wednesday

B.C. tears down 1st time homebuyer loan program, after just 3,000 people signed up…. Click on the link below to find out more… First Time Home Buyers – Global News ...

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Home Tip Monday

Bacteria is a Growing Concern… Spring cleaning often focuses on reducing clutter, but it can also be an opportunity to reduce potentially harmful bacteria within the home.  Start with areas that are likely to have sources of growth, such as kitchens and bathrooms.  Thorough cleaning in those areas should include ...

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Home Tip Monday

What Do Interior Designers Do? If you want to transform a room into something that’s functional, beautiful and perfectly matched to your taste, then you might want to hire an interior designer. It’s an interior designer’s job to come up with imaginative ideas that will wow you. It’s a myth ...

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All Business Wednesday

This Simple Question Can Save You a Lot of Money…. Imagine this scenario… You purchase a new home and move in.  A few weeks later, you hear a strange rumbling sound.  It’s the furnace.  It’s only a year old, yet it’s sputtering like it’s twenty.  You realize you’ll have to ...

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